Monday, March 25, 2013

How to Eat More and Lose Weight

How to Eat More and Lose Weight

Dr. Nick Galante, M.D. - Certified Medical Doctor (M.D.) Harvard Medical School

When trying to lose fat, many people become scared of eating. Weight loss at its most simple is indeed a numbers game and consuming less calories than your body expends is a major way to lose weight. But being afraid of food is not the answer. Increasingly, evidence shows that eating three square meals a day may also be less than ideal. There are many benefits to eating smaller more frequent meals.

First, eating smaller meals helps ensure that you are watching your serving sizes. Further, you will be less likely to overeat because you should feel full most of the time. Your body will never feel “starving” and this will help to minimize cravings. I find eating smaller more frequent meals retrains your sense of food and nutrition. It will help you learn what various stages of hunger feel like. It will put you more in tune with your body, so you will start to learn what, how much, and when to eat certain types of foods.

Second, the steady stream of macronutrients to your bloodstream creates an optimal metabolic environment. By never letting your blood sugar spike and plummet, your insulin level will remain steady. This creates an ideal environed for fat burning rather than fat storage because it tells your body that food is abundant and that it doesn’t need to hold onto fat stores. Additionally, it will reduce large swings in energy levels. You’ll feel more vibrant throughout the day and will be less likely to skip a workout or cardio session.

Third, every time you eat it’s the equivalent of stepping on the gas for your metabolism. It actually takes energy for your body to process food. The key is eating the right foods and macronutrients at the right times. Click here to learn more.

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