Monday, March 25, 2013

Burn Pounds of Fat by Eating Fat?

Burn Pounds of Fat by Eating Fat?

The low fat craze swept the nation and left it worse off than before. The effect was to emphasize excess carbohydrate consumption. So in place of fat, America ate too many refined carbohydrates and sugars which promptly converted to fat in our bodies. What’s more, is that the low fat craze was actually very unhealthy in many ways. Excess carbohydrate consumption is directly linked with obesity and type II diabetes.

While fats are calorie dense and certain kind are linked with disease processes, other fats are necessary for survival and greatly increase your overall health. They can improve energy, be used to boost your metabolism, and actually help you lose fat. That right! Eating the right types of fat will help you burn more fat!
First the bad. Saturated fats have been conclusively shown by the scientific community to be detrimental to your health, both in terms of cardiovascular disease and weight loss. These fats are the ones in animal and dairy products. They should be consumed as little as possible. These fats are much more likely to be stored in your fat cells after you consume them or to wind up coating the walls of your blood vessels.

The healthy fats are numerous. These include the so called “essential fatty acids” also know as the Omega 3, Omega 6, and Omega 9 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. These actually circulate in your blood and help you get rid of bad fats. What’s more is that these fats will be used as energy for your brain and body. They won’t be stored in your gut. Lastly, they actually increase your metabolism because they create a favorable biochemical profile.

You can find these healthy fats in grape seed oil, nuts, avocados, and certina fish among many other sources.

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