Monday, March 25, 2013

Egg Whites: Your Body’s #1 Biggest Enemy?

Egg Whites: Your Body’s #1 Biggest Enemy?

Back when the low fat craze was popular, eggs were in the crosshairs because of their fat and cholesterol content. This led many to avoid eggs all together or to just eat the whites, whether by separating them out themselves or opting for products like egg beaters.

The truth is that egg whites are an amazing source of protein. They are easily and nearly completely absorbed by your body. So much so that they are the gold standard by which other proteins are judged. But aside from the protein in egg whites, there is almost no other nutrient content.

The white is half the egg and much less than half the story. A lot of the protein in an egg is also in the yolk. Additionally, the yolk contains all the vitamins and minerals. These include numerous metabolism stimulating B vitamins, essential minerals like Zinc and Phosphorus which are essential to energy production, all of the fat soluble vitamins: Vitamin A, Vitmain D, Vitamin E and Vitmain K, antioxidants, and eye-health-supporting carotenoids (lutein and zeaxanthin).

But what about the fat and cholesterol? Remember that first and foremost, fat is not the enemy. Overeating is. Good Fats are necessary for a balanced diet. If you limit fat consumption, not only will your testosterone levels plummet, but so will your metabolism and fat loss. It may seem like a paradox, but it isn’t: Eating good fats will actually make you leaner.

What about the effect of cholesterol and fat on your cardiovascular health? To date there have been no convincing scientific studies liking egg consumption with high cholesterol or heart disease. But again, moderation is key. Try to limit egg yolk consumption especially if you have high cholesterol. You can always mix in a few whites with the whole eggs to add more protein to you meal.
Also, how you cook eggs is also important. Using too much butter is a great way to up the amount of unhealthy saturated fats. Instead use a little nonstick cooking spray, or boil or poach your eggs to get that helathy.

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